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Making Your Mental Health A Priority

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Retirement is more than just a career change; it's a lifestyle change and the dawning of a new chapter in your life. There is the excitement of the new freedom, the opportunities to travel, chances to spend more time with friends and family, and time to pursue new hobbies.

This change can also bring new stresses and concerns you may not have faced before. Changes in routines and lifestyle, navigating the change in professional identity, and coping with the potential financial uncertainties of retirement can all profoundly impact your mental health.

Anxiety, depression, and various other conditions impact not only you but your loved ones around you as well.

Mental Health Impacts in Retirement

Mental health in retirement is essential to maintain resiliency and balance in this stage of life. Strong mental health helps create the foundations for a fulfilling retirement.

For some, access to mental health care can be a challenge, which is why GreenShield Health offers virtual options for ARTA members with extended health care coverage. This helps remove barriers to your access to mental health support, couples counseling, health coaching, and legal and financial consultations.

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A Few Helpful Steps for Mental Health in Retirement

  1. Stay socially connected. Try new hobbies, volunteer with your favourite charities, or join community groups to help prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  2. Create new routines. These will help you create a new sense of purpose each day and help create new structures for you.
  3. Regular exercise and an active lifestyle can do so much to help your mental health. Simple walks and a well-balanced diet can directly influence your mental well-being.
  4. Use resources available to you. As an ARTA Benefit plan member, you can access counselling resources through GreenShield. These include mental health, couples counselling, financial advice, and even legal advice.

Mental Health Counselling Through ARTA Benefits

When it comes to retirement planning, a well-rounded approach that addresses financial, physical, and emotional needs is key.

Members with Extended Health Care coverage get access not only comprehensive health and dental coverage but also mental health supports like those from GreenShield. We believe in providing these supports so you can enjoy the active and fulfilling retirement lifestyle you have worked so hard for.

talking through virtual counselling

Join ARTA Benefits

You’ve worked your entire career for the chance to retire and enjoy this next exciting chapter of your life.

Prioritizing your mental health and well-being with supports, such as the counselling offered by GreenShield through ARTA Benefits extended health care plans, prepares you to enjoy your retirement to its fullest.

Visit to build the retirement benefits plan that fits YOUR needs.

And read more of our helpful tips and advice as you plan your retirement: